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Email/ Letter template to send to your representative or senator:​

The Honorable (State Senator’s First and Last Name)

(State Name) Senate

State Capital Address


Dear (Assembly Member / Senator) (last name), I am writing to you both as a member of the National Allergy Advocate Group and as a concerned member of your constituency. (Insert personal story and experiences with allergies). Given my experiences, I'm particularly in support of the policy initiatives proposed by NAAG, especially [mention the specific initiative]. I believe that implementing this initiative would significantly enhance my quality of life by [explain how it would improve your situation].


Thank you for your consideration of my viewpoint on this matter and I urge you to work with me and the NAAG. I believe it is an important issue and would like to see legislation introduced to make this happen. I would love to call you or meet with you in person to discuss logistics and answer any questions you may have.




Your name,


Phone Number

E-mail Address

Copy and paste this email template from the top of the text rather than the bottom to make sure it copies correctly! Make sure you keep all of the names and details straight for each representative. You never want to mix up details, as this can result in representatives feeling like you spam emailed them!

After finding your Federal senator/representative and/or your state senator/representative, write the appropriate information needed for the heading. Next, insert a personal story about your experience with allergies (aka why you are with the NAAG to begin with). This allows the representative to see you as a living, breathing member of their constituency rather than a person behind a screen. Next, state which of the NAAG policies means the most to you and your story. Representatives are busy and may be overwhelmed by many initiatives, stating the one or few you are most familiar with allows you to get your foot in the door and speak on the issue you know the most about. Next, further personalize your story by illustrating how the congressperson passing legislation on the issues you mentioned previously would improve your overall quality of life. Finally, include your personal information in the closing. Remember to always be respectful, no matter the record of the polictian.

We appreciate any effort you put into this! Whether it be 10 emails or just 1, we cant do this without you.

Feel free to research into what the politicians record on the matter is. If its a positive record, please mention in your introduction how thankful you are for them to have taken on the issue. The more personal yet respectful the email is, the better!

Feel free to write your own, custom-made letter if you so choose. Just remember to always be respectful!

If you're feeling espeically motivated, send your message to your US House Rep, your 2 US senators, as well as your state rep and state senator! If you only feel like sending one email, that is totally fine as well, you can pick who you send yours to! FIY: State officials will be more likley to get back to you/get back to you sooner.

Let us know how your progress is going with your advocacy! Email us at or text 908-447-5937

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